ISO-BOW Chest Exercises

ISO-BOW Chest Squeeze

Chest Squeeze

Muscles Engaged: Chest – Shoulders
Cross arms. Contract/squeeze Iso-Bow. Maintain tension as you move up to forehead and down to waist.

ISO-BOW Chest Circles

Chest Circles

Muscles Engaged: Chest – Shoulders
Cross arms. Contract/squeeze Iso-Bow. Maintain tension as you move in circles from your forehead to your waist.

ISO-BOW Back & Shoulder Exercises

ISO-BOW Shoulder Press

Shoulder Press

Muscles Engaged: Shoulders
Start at shoulder height. Reach your arm to the sky and back down (extend fully). Alternate sides.

ISO-BOW Deltoids Raise

Deltoid Raise

Muscles Engaged: Lats – Back
Start at waist height with vertical hand grips.  Keep your elbows slightly bent. Raise your arm to shoulder height. Alternate sides.

ISO-BOW Lateral Raise

Lateral Raise

Muscles Engaged: Outer Shoulders
Hold your ISO-BOW at waist. Keep your elbows slightly bent. Raise your arms parallel to the ground from side to side.

ISO-BOW Reverse Fly


Muscles Engaged: Shoulders – Back
Hold your Iso-Bow at chest height. Keep your elbows slightly bent. Move side to side (keep shoulders and hips facing forward). Alternate sides.

ISO-BOW Rotator Cuffs Vertical

Rotator Cuff (Vertical)

Muscles Engaged: Rotator Cuffs/Shoulders
Hold your ISO-BOW at shoulder height. Bend elbows to 90 degrees. Vertically pivot at elbow (parallel to ground to vertical forearm). Alternate sides.

ISO-BOW Rotator Cuff Lateral One Side

Rotator Cuffs (Lateral)

Muscles Engaged: Rotator Cuffs/Shoulders – Forearms
Hold your Iso-Bow at chest height. Keep your elbows slightly bent. Move side to side (keep shoulders and hips facing forward). Alternate sides.

Bow Classic Leg & Core Exercises

ISO-BOW Leg Extension

Leg Raise / Curl

Muscles Engaged: Quadriceps – Glutes – Hamstrings
Place Iso-Bow over feet. Bending only at your knees, extend and contract legs. Keep tension. Alternate sides.

Hip Flexor Lower Ab Raise

Lower Abs & Hip Flexor

Muscles Engaged: Quadriceps – Glutes – Hip Flexor – Core
Place Iso-Bow over feet. Keep top foot bent at the knee bring your thigh to your chest and back down. Keep tension. Alternate Sides.

ISO-BOW Hip and Core Laterals


Muscles Engaged: Abs – Hips – Lower Back
Place Iso-Bow over feet. Spread Iso-Bow. Keep tension. Move legs side to side (legs 1-2 feet off ground).

ISO-BOW Core Circles

Side Resisted Crunch

Muscles Engaged: Abs – Hips – Lower Back

Place Iso-Bow over feet. Spread Iso-Bow. Keep tension. Circle your legs. Perform in each direction (clockwise and counter-clockwise).

*Variation: Large, Medium, and Small Circles.

Bow Classic Bicep Exercises

ISO-BOW Grip Variation

Grip Variation for Range of Motion

Place one grip of your ISO-BOW in the horizontal position. Roll grip towards opposite grip. Grab grip and strap

ISO-BOW Biceps Curl

Biceps Curl

Muscles Engaged: Biceps, Forearms, Triceps
Use grip variation to shorten your ISO-BOW. Bend at your elbow only. Alternate sides.

Biceps Concentration Curls


Muscles Engaged: Biceps – Forearms – Triceps
Use grip variation to shorten your ISO-BOW. Place elbow against knee. Bend at your elbow only. Alternate sides.

Bow Classic Tricep Exercises

ISO-BOW Triceps Push Down

Triceps Push Down

Muscles Engaged: Triceps – Forearms – Biceps
Use grip variation to shorten your ISO-BOW. Bend at your elbow only, extend arm. Alternate sides.

ISO-BOW Triceps Extension

Triceps Extension

Muscles Engaged: Triceps
Hold shoulder and elbow parallel to ground. Bend at your elbow only. Extend arm. Alternate sides.

ISO-BOW Triceps Kickbacks

Triceps Kickbacks

Muscles Engaged: Triceps – Forearms – Biceps
Use vertical handle position. Bend at your elbow only. Extend arm behind. Alternate sides.

ISO-BOW Triceps Extension Overhead

Overhead Triceps Extension

Muscles Engaged: Triceps
Use vertical grip. Hands behind head. Bend at elbow only. Extend arm. Alternate sides

Bow Classic Forearm Exercises

ISO-BOW Forearms Wrist Flicks

Wrist Flicks

Muscles Engaged: Forearms – Wrists
Keep your elbows tight to your body and rotate hour wrists outward and inward.

ISO-BOW Forearm Wrist Rolls

Wrist Rolls

Muscles Engaged: Abs – Forearms – Wrists
Hold your hands in front of your chest and rotate the handles through your entire range of motion.