Studies around the world have continuously found benefits to isometric strength training. Isometric exercises are exercises in which your muscles do not shorten or lengthen during contraction and are proven to engage more muscle fibers and build strength up to 66%...
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Upper Body Workout at Home or on the Go Finding time to exercise can be tricky whether it is the current shelter in place regulations or our busy schedules with work and friends. We want to and know we should get a quick fitness routine in but the time investment...
Total Body Power Pack Routine
Try this Powerful Exercise Routine Combining Isometric Strength Training with Isotonic Exercise for fast gains and sculpted results. Studies around the globe have shown isometric strength training to be the fastest way to build strength. An isometric contraction is...
Tricep Exercises for Bigger Arms
Did you know your triceps make up the majority of your arm mass? A common mistake when it comes to training for bigger arms is too much focus on biceps and not enough focus on your triceps. But now that you know your triceps are an easier way to make your arms bigger...
20 Benefits of Isometric Exercise and Why You Should Be Doing Isometrics
Enjoy 20 Benefits of Isometric Exercise, An 8 Minute Routine, and Why You Should be Doing Isometrics The benefits of isometric exercise make your life easier and accomplish your fitness goals. Bullworker‘s mission is to enhance the quality of life with simple fitness....
Total Body Isometric Exercise Workout
Isometric exercises are science-backed techniques tested through international studies such as the below findings at the Max Planck Institute, one of Germany's prestigious universities, and the University of Connecticut. Dr. E.A. Muller and Dr. Th. Hettinger...
Do Isometrics Work?
You may have asked, do isometrics work? The most significant breakthrough in fitness came when Dr. E.A. Muller and Dr. Th. Hettinger discovered maximum muscle growth can be attained by exerting 60% of existing muscle strength against a superior resistance for only 7...